1736 - 1738 Washington Street, Toledo, Ohio, 1980



1736 - 1738 Washington Street, Toledo, Ohio, 1980


From the Ted J. Ligibel Collection, a 1980 view of a historic Queen Anne Style frame row home on Washington Street in Toledo. The home, known as Cook's Tourist Home when owned by Okreatta Cook, was a listed safe place in the 1955 Negro Motorist's Green Book. Terms associated with the photograph are: historic buildings | dwellings | row houses | 1738 Washington Street (Toledo, Ohio) | 1736 Washington Street (Toledo, Ohio)


“1736 - 1738 Washington Street, Toledo, Ohio, 1980,” Toledo Lucas County Public Library, accessed May 5, 2024, https://tlcplblackhistory.omeka.net/items/show/72.