Emerson Cole and staff at the Toledo Office of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission



Emerson Cole and staff at the Toledo Office of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission


A black and white photograph entitled ""Learning a Little," shows Emerson Cole, director of the Toledo Office of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, as he looks over the work of a staff member. After graduating from the University of Toledo, Emerson Cole was the first black player to be drafted by the Cleveland Browns in 1950. After a time as a deputy with the Lucas County Sehriff's Office, Mr. Cole went to work for the Ohio Civil Rights Commission in 1959. The women in the photo are not identified. The photo was taken March 19, 1966.


“Emerson Cole and staff at the Toledo Office of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission,” Toledo Lucas County Public Library, accessed May 5, 2024, https://tlcplblackhistory.omeka.net/items/show/6.